Questions and Answers

about Nystagmocatcher and Vertigocatcher telemedicine.

What is Nystagmocatcher?

Nystagmocatcher is an attachment to a mobile phone. With the attachment, the phone can be used to videotape eye movements associated with common dizziness and balance disorders.

Who can use Nystagmocatcher?

Adults with a smartphone (iPhone or Android) who want to document or monitor diagnostic eye movements during dizziness disorders. A number of skills are required both to carry out an examination when you are dizzy and also some technical know-how to be able to videotape and upload videos with your phone.

Which dizziness and balance disorders can be diagnosed?

All the common physical disorders of the sense of balance. For example, BPPV, atypical position-related dizziness, Ménière’s disease, vestibular migraine, vestibular neuritis.

When can you not expect to get diagnostic help from Vertigocatcher?

During daily dizziness and when you experience unsteadiness for several weeks, months or years.

When should Nystagmocatcher be used?

The idea is to document and “capture” diagnostic eye movements that lead to a clear diagnosis of your dizziness condition. The diagnosis is clearest if the examination and video recording of eye movements takes place when you experience a lot of dizziness, for example during dizzy spells or periods of balance disturbance.

Is Nystagmocatcher a good tool for self-management of recurrent BPPV?

Yes. You just need to learn to recognise the typical eye movements. These are described here. This will provide you with confirmation as to which semicircular canal and side is affected. You can also film eye movements while performing a repositioning manoeuvre and draw your own conclusions about whether the crystals are moving correctly towards the exit or whether they are sticking.

Are there any scientific studies done with Nystagmocatcher?

In September 2023, a study was published in the Journal of Neurology. The study was undertaken by the balance clinic at the Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands and described examinations using Nystagmocatcher in 62 patients in Holland. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00415-023-11965-y

How long has Nystagmocatcher been used?

Home examinations of eye movements with Nystagmocatcher have been used by Yrselcenter Stockholm since 2019 but have been reserved for patients with private health insurance. Starting in 2023, examinations became available to patients who pay privately.

What can Nystagmocatcher be used for?

Diagnosis of recurrent unclear dizziness attacks or episodes of dizziness.

Diagnosis or follow-up of all variants of positional dizziness and BPPV.

To monitor recovery over time during known dizziness disorders.

As an alternative to coming for follow-up visits and undertaking balance tests.

Documentation of dizziness attacks prior to planned surgeries where a balance organ is to be destroyed with gentamicin.

Documentation of eye movements in conjunction with video consultations.

When should you not use Nystagmocatcher?

In circumstances that may indicate a life-threatening illness, such as stroke or heart attack.

Go to an emergency department if you have sudden dizziness together with any of the following symptoms:

  • severe head, neck or chest pain
  • sudden difficulties in standing or sitting unassisted
  • paralysis or loss of sensation in the arms, legs or face
  • difficulty in speaking or swallowing
  • sudden one-sided deafness
  • loss of consciousness